midrc_react.gui.ipython package
midrc_react.gui.ipython.dataselectiongroupbox module
This module contains classes and functions for creating a data selection group box.
- class midrc_react.gui.ipython.dataselectiongroupbox.DataSelectionGroupBox(jsd_model)
This class represents a group box widget for data selection. It provides functionality for creating labels and combo boxes for data files and a category combo box. The class has methods for setting up the layout, updating the category combo box, and initializing the widget.
- Variables:
_file_comboboxes (list) – A list of file comboboxes.
_category_combobox (widgets.Dropdown) – A category combo box.
_num_fileboxes_combobox (widgets.Dropdown) – A number of fileboxes combo box.
_file_upload (widgets.FileUpload) – A file upload component.
layout (widgets.VBox) – The layout of the group box.
jsd_model (JSDTableModel) – The JSDTableModel object.
num_fileboxes (int) – The number of file boxes.
- __init__(jsd_model)
Initialize the DataSelectionGroupBox.
- Parameters:
jsd_model (JSDTableModel) – The JSDTableModel object.
- category_changed
- change_number_of_fileboxes(num_fileboxes)
Change the number of file boxes.
- Parameters:
num_fileboxes (int) – The new number of file boxes.
- display()
Returns the layout of the group box.
- Returns:
The layout of the group box.
- Return type:
- excel_file_uploaded
- property file_comboboxes
Get the file comboboxes.
- Returns:
A list of file comboboxes.
- Return type:
- file_selection_changed
- on_category_changed(change)
Handles the category changing.
- Parameters:
change (dict) – The change dictionary.
- on_file_selection_changed(change=None)
Handles the file selection changing.
- Parameters:
change (dict, optional) – The change dictionary. Defaults to None.
- on_num_fileboxes_changed(change)
Handles the number of file boxes changing.
- Parameters:
change (dict) – The change dictionary.
- update_category_combobox()
Update the category combobox based on the selected data sources.
- update_file_comboboxes()
Update the file comboboxes based on the data sources.
midrc_react.gui.ipython.jsdview_ipython module
This module contains the JsdViewIPython class, which serves as a Jupyter Notebook view for JSD.
- class midrc_react.gui.ipython.jsdview_ipython.JsdViewIPython(jsd_model)
This class represents a Jupyter Notebook view for JSD. It provides functionality for creating a Jupyter Notebook app and handling file uploads. The class has methods for setting up the layout, updating the category combo box, and initializing the widget.
- __init__(jsd_model)
Initialize the JsdViewIPython.
This method sets up the data selection group box, the JSD timeline plot, and the area chart.
- Parameters:
jsd_model (JSDTableModel) – The JSDTableModel object.
- jsd_timeline_plot_update
- open_excel_file(data_source_dict)
Open an Excel file and add it as a data source.
- Parameters:
data_source_dict (dict) – The data source information used for loading the data.
- update_area_chart(category)
Update the area chart. This method is called when the area chart is clicked.
- Parameters:
category (dict) – NOT USED
- update_area_chart_interactive_plotly()
Update the area chart using interactive plotting with Plotly.
- update_jsd_timeline_plot(jsd_model: JSDTableModel = None)
Update the JSD timeline plot.
- update_jsd_timeline_plot_interactive()
Update the JSD timeline plot using interactive plotting.
- update_jsd_timeline_plot_interactive_plotly()
Update the JSD timeline plot using interactive plotting with Plotly.